Return Policy

  • Refund Period: You can easily return the product within 14 days from the date of receipt.
  • Product Condition: Please ensure that the product is in its original condition as received, without any use or damage.
  • Packaging: The packaging must be complete and in perfect condition, just as it was delivered.
  • International Warranty: Products covered by international warranty are non-returnable and are delivered only after confirming the testing process.
  • Installed Devices: If the device has been installed by the manufacturer, it is recommended to contact the company’s team directly for any inquiries or specific support related to the device.

We are always by your side to ensure your comfort! If you need any assistance or have any inquiries, please do not hesitate to reach out to our customer service team.

We look forward to serving you always! ❤️

Our team will be happy to help you any time and anywhere don’t hesitate to contact us +201277775455

Developed by: Hesham Saad